May be you are planning to start a new blog or a website for your business and searching for a best and cheap web hosting providers. Sometime choosing a perfect web host is same as a terrible headache, you cannot find a perfect web hosting provider that matches your site requirement. In many cases when you are signing up for the first time some of the web hosting providers offers cheapest hosting services by providing a huge discount but when the time comes to renew it you have to pay double of the amount that you have paid while signing up. So, to protect you from these kind of hosting providers I made the list of 10 best cheap web hosting providers that fits your budget as well as your site requirement.
However there are many free alternatives of paid web hosting providers but if you are really serious about blogging or about your online business you have to avoid using these kind of free services. I am neglecting free web hosting because I had used one of the free hosting for my blog and paid a penalty by losing all my content which was finally replaced by advertisements.
Read: Perfect way to backup WordPress website
Note: The hosting providers that I am going to list below are not listed according to the prices they offer but I will list them serially according to the services they offer. For example: server load time, speed, customer support, money back guarantee and Price.
Image Credit: Tom Raftery
List of 10 best cheap web hosting providers with review
1. Hostgator
Hostgator is one of the World top 10 leading hosting provider with more than 8,000,000 hosted websites in their servers. With more than 850 employees hostgator is able to provide 24/7 customer support. It also provides 45 days money back guarantee without any condition. It means that you can ask for refund without any reason within 45 days. It provides 99.9% server uptime guarantee with faster server load time.
The best feature of hostgator is that it provides unlimited disk space and unlimited bandwidth therefore you don’t have to worry about the file you are uploading and the bandwidth that is transferring.
Hosting starts @ just $3.96/month
Some great features of Hostgator
- Unlimited Disk Space and Bandwidth
- One Click CMS installation (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla)
- Free website builder with 100$ adword credit
- Latest cPanel control panel
- Unlimited MySQL database with phpMyAdmin
- Unlimited Email Accounts with unlimited Autoresponders
- 24/7/365 customer support via phone, live chat and Email
Hostgator Price and Packages
While Signing Up you can even use this coupon code to get 25 percent discount in each purchase: ITDIGITAL1
2. BlueHost
Bluehost is also one the world largest company which is hosting millions of website in its server. It is providing its services in three different options Starter, plus and business pro where price of Starter starts at just $3.49, plus at $5.95 and Business pro at $19.95.
Features of Bluehost
Starter ($3.49) | Plus ($5.95) | Business pro ($19.95) |
3. SiteGround
SiteGround is a popular company established in 2004 which provides cheap web hosting to its customers and it is serving more than 250,000 websites in its server. It is currently providing Shared hosting cloud hosting and dedicated servers with 24/7 customers support. SiteGround has 3 data centers in the world which provides faster loading of your website and it will also decrease the response time of the server.
Generally SiteGround is offering 3 different types of hosting packages StartUp, GrowBig and GoGeek at $3.95 with 10GB storage for StartUp, $7.95 with 20 GB storage for GrowBig and $14.95 with 30 GB storage for GoGeek. All of these hosting packages provides unlimited data transfer, unlimted MySQL database and unlimited email account with free daily site backup.
Some great features of SiteGround
- Free domain name for all packages
- Free one click application install
- Unlimited data transfer
- 10 GB/20 GB/30 GB web storage
- 30 days Money back guarantee
- Free daily backup
- Free CDN (Content Delivery Network)
- 99.9% uptime guarantee with 24/7 customer support via phone call, live chat and email.
SiteGround Price and Packages
Sign Up Now for SiteGround
4. DreamHost
DreamHost is another popular cheap web hosting company hosting over 1.3 millions websites in their servers and it is also considered as one of the oldest hosting provider since 1997. DreamHost is one of the premium hosting provider that supports various platforms like Drupal, WordPress, Joomla and many more. It offers various hosting plan Shared, VPS and dedicated hosting but among them shared hosting plan is perfect for any website. Dreamhost offers unlimited hosting plan it means that you don’t have to worry about your monthly bandwidth and web space.
You can get heavy discount of $50, if you purchase any hosting plan at Dreamhost.
Just use this coupon Code while Purchasing to get $50 Discount: ITDW50
Sign Up for DreamHost Discount
5. iPage
iPage has been hosting more than 1 million websites over 10 years with 99% uptime guarantee in their all servers. It is considered as cheap web hosting among all the hosting reviewed above. iPage is providing unlimited web hosting with free domain registration and supports all major content management system like wordpress, Drupal and Joomla.
In short when you sign up through ITDigitalWorld you will be getting 81% discount on all of your hosting packages, It means that you can buy unlimited hosting at just $1.89 per month. Don’t miss this golden opportunity Sign up now to get 81% discount.
Grab this huge discount and get 1 year of hosting at just $22.68,
2 years of hosting at just $45.36 and
3 years of hosting at just $68.04
Sign Up Now for 81% Discount on iPage
6. Justhost
Justhost is a perfect and cheap web hosting company that offers unlimited hosting at just $2.75 per month. Justhost not only offers unlimited webspace and unlimited bandwidth, it also offers unlimited domain hosting it means that you can host as many website as you want in your single hosting service.
Some Great features of Justhost
- Unlimited domain hosting
- Unlimited web space and bandwidth
- 1 free domain
- 24/7 phone support
- $50 Free ad credit on facebook, $100 on Google ads and $50 on Bing ads
- cPanel powered by control panel
- One click CMS installation (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Megento and etc)
Top 10 Cheap web hosting package and prices
Hosting Company | Price | Domain | Space | Bandwidth | Coupon | SignUp Now |
Hostgator | $3.96/m | Free | Unlimited | Unlimited | ITDIGITAL1 | 25% Discount |
BlueHost | $3.49/m | Free | 100 GB | Unlimited | Included in Link | Sign Up |
SiteGround | $3.95/m | Free | 10 GB | Unlimited | Included in Link | Sign Up |
Dreamhost | $69.40/y | Free | Unlimited | Unlimited | ITDW50 | $50 discount |
iPage | $1.89/m | Free | Unlimited | Unlimited | Included in link | 81% Discount |
JustHost | $2.75/m | Free | Unlimited | Unlimited | Included in link | Sign Up |
HostMetro | $2.45/ | Free | Unlimited | Unlimited | Included in link | Sign Up |
Arvixe | $4.00/m | Free | Unlimited | Unlimited | Included in link | Sign Up |
Qhoster | $27.65/y | Free | 10 GB | Unlimited | 30% discount link | Sign Up Now |
Hostmonster | $4.95/m | Free | Unlimited | Unlimited | Included in link | Sign Up |
Which one is Best?
Among all of the cheap web hosting providers reviewed in this post, I will consider Hostgator as one of the best hosting provider. I am not saying because of the prices and packages that Hostgator provides instead I have been using it as my hosting provider since 2 years and I never found any problems with Hostgator. The server response time, server speed and website loading are just perfect. As you know that Hostgator provides 99.9% uptime guarantee and within the period of 2 years I had never faced the problem with its uptime. So, finally in my opinion Hostgator is the best cheap web hosting option for any blog or a website.
It’s so hard to work with HostGator. It used to be quite reliable a long time ago. I wonder, why it is No1 here
Hi, Leonard I appriciate your opinion but in my opinion its a perfect web hosting provider. I appreciate that their support is not satisfactory but I must say that they have reliable webhosting service.